Can You Put A Frozen Pizza In An Air Fryer?

Can You Put A Frozen Pizza In An Air Fryer?

Air fryers are very convenient kitchen appliance and while any kind of food can be made in it, there are some guides to follow when it comes to frozen foods, you need to follow a process to get the result you are aiming for.

There will always be days when you are too lazy to cook food from scratch or for a busy household where there is no time to make a long process meal, air fryer frozen pizza sounds just like what you need.

An air fryer is not just a healthy way to make fried and crispy foods but you can use less oil to achieve a crispy and crunchy pizza in minutes and it ensures you have less cleaning to do and thanks to the heat combination, you can get your food done quickly and evenly.

One of the great parts of an air fryer is cleaning and thanks to it being similar to an oven, you can bake and roast comfortably with it, it is also ideal for frozen mini pizzas, french bread pizza as well but each with a different time and temperature settings.

If you are wondering if you can cook store-bought frozen pizza in an air fryer or how long this is going to take you, this is just the article for you, forget about pizza deliveries and read on to discover how to put a frozen pizza in an air fryer.

Can You Put A Frozen Pizza In An Air Fryer?

Can You Put A Frozen Pizza In An Air Fryer?

Absolutely, you can out a frozen pizza in an air fryer and all you have to do is bring out your frozen pizza from the freezer, remove the packaging, place the pizza in the air fryer and set the timer and in just a few minutes, you and tour family can enjoy a hot delicious pizza. 

Cooking a frozen pizza in an air fryer is a great option compared to using the microwave and it reduces cooking and cleans up time as there is less mess involved in addition, you will have no issues fitting your frozen pizza into an air fryer.

How To Cook Air Fryer Frozen Pizza

After skipping your microwave for a more delicious air fryer pizza, it is important to have a recipe that provides you with a well-cooked pizza and you can also save your precious time with an air fry pizza and also the air fryer doesn’t take as much as long as the conventional oven to preheat which means the cooking time is short compare to the conventional oven.

Preheat your air fryer for 2-3 minutes before popping in your frozen pizza, the average cooking time for a mini pizza is 5-8 minutes, a 7-inch pizza needs close to 7-10 minutes to cook while a pizza roll needs 12-16 minutes to cook.

Here is a step by step instruction to help you a perfect pizza.

  • Preheat the air fryer for 2-5 minutes by setting the highest of its temperature
  • While your air fryer is preheating, remove your frozen pizza from the freezer and remove the wrappings, the preheating should be done by the time this is done
  • Next is to add your favorite toppings like mushrooms, cheese or prosciutto and make sure they are sliced thinly on top so as not to overload the pizza
  • Pull out your air fryer basket and put the frozen pizza, and for a crust crispier pizza, you can place the pizza in the crispier plate and insert into the air fryer
  • Set the air fryer temperature to about 400F, begin with 5 minutes and add time if necessary. Check the pizza after 3 minutes to check it it’s done and add extra two minutes if needed to ensure it is thoroughly cooked.
  • Serve immediately to enjoy it warm with your favorite garnishes.

Should I thaw frozen pizza before baking?

Tasty slices of different pizza

Image: Envato Elements

No, you definitely shouldn’t have your frozen pizza thawed before baking, it is rather meant to go from frozen into your heat source immediately and while thawing your pizza before baking might help it cook faster, this is not necessary and can alter the texture of the crust while most pizza might turn out perfectly fine, some will not hence we recommend baking your frozen pizza directly rather than get it thawed first.

Final Thoughts

From frozen pizza to frozen meat, you can put about anything in your air fryer and this can be done with little or no oil at all, this is also regarded as a healthier cooking way compared to the deep fryer however both are sure to give you a delicious taste and crunchy exterior.

If you are wondering just how delicious air fry pizza tastes, you should know it tastes as good as oven baked pizza however not all models of air fryer comes with a crispier plate but you can definitely put your frozen pizza in your air fryer to cook within a minute.

Read next: How to Thaw Frozen Chicken (The Complete Guide)